Sounz has a selection of Anthony Ritchie works for sale through their website.

Click here for a more detailed list of recordings with track listings and commission details.

For any other recordings, contact Anthony directly here.

Links to new recordings

Resound complete recordings available on SOUNZ website, via the links
(Many other pieces have a 1 minute sound sample)
Three pieces for J.A.R. for piano (2016) performed by Emma Sayers at St Andrews-on-the Terraces, June 2016.
Lullabies for choir
A Bugle Will Do for orchestra
Beginnings for orchestra
Symphony No.1
The Tuatara Dances for orchestra
Then I Understood for choir and orchestra
Ahua for choir, soloists and orchestra
Belle Doettefor soprano and oboe
Coverings for Vocal sextet
Diary of a Madman: Dedication to Shostakovich for orchestra
Five Songs of Colour for soprano and piano
Gouache for orchestra
Guitar Concerto
He Moemoea, Song and Milking Before Dawn for soprano and piano
Night-piece for piano
Oppositions for piano quartet
Spring String Trio
Organ Overture
Revelationsfor orchestra
Salaamfor choir
Sonata for a Friend for piano
Sultry for solo guitar
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3
Symphony No.4
The Rose Family
The Tuatara Dances
This Other Eden
Three Pieces for J.A.R.
Touched for piano
Tutira Mai Whalesong for double bass and orchestra
Whispers of Gallipoli for baritone and piano
Why Don't You talk to me? for soprano and piano

Nota Bene

Waiteata Press

Trio Publications

Treble Clef Music

Promethean Editions

Centre for NZ Music (SOUNZ)

Pro Arte Publications

Bellbird Publications

Massey University Press


The Hanging Bulb

Cheryl Cam has written a study guide to Hanging Bulb for Years 11 to 13 (Form 5 to 7) with accompanying CD. It is part of the SOUNZwrite series.

SOUNZwrite is a series of study guides to works by New Zealand composers written especially for use in NZ schools. They are produced by the Centre for New Zealand Music and are written by composer and educator Cheryl Camm.

The guides contain:

Available from Sounz


Ears Wide Open : Taringa Areare

This latest SOUNZwrite Resource supports the music discipline in the new arts curriculum from levels 1 to 4. Researched and trialled by Cheryl Camm, it consists of:

Ears Wide Open : Taringa Areare has many activities which link to other arts disciplines - drama, dance and visual arts - and other areas of the curriculum including science, social studies and English. Each activity has suggested learning outcomes and assessment ideas.

Learning experiences include:

Available from Sounz