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Three Dunedin Songs

by Anthony Ritchie, for baritone and piano, Opus 76b

Intimate and expressive settings of poems by Bernadette Hall. Simple in textures but demanding in performance, and ranging in mood.

Programme Note

Poems by Bernadette Hall

Adapted from Five Dunedin Songs for Tenor and Guitar, commissioned by Tony Donaldson for performance by himself (guitar) and Robert Oliver (tenor) in 1997, with funding from Creative NZ.

Song ( stone woman)
Tomahawk Sonnet

Lovesong, Song and Tomahawk Sonnet are new poems, written in 1997 as part of Bernadette Hall's time as Burns Fellow at The University of Otago. Originally from Dunedin, Bernadette studied Classics at Otago University.

The 3 songs are 3-4 minutes each

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